
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

“Whitey” (Essay On Albinism and Being A Albino)

I was only a freak at school. Only a freak when I remembered or when other younger kids at banks hid behind their parent’s paint leg from my red hued Nystagmus eyes. I don’t blame them. This condition seems like something out of a low budget 70’s horror film. Pained by sunlight, I prefer night. I’m bone white and red eyed.

At home I was treated equally. I could forget more often what I am, but not at school. I wasn’t allowed to retrieve anything, or participate in feeding the class hamster like other students where. Though I tried to be understanding, little things like not being picked to read in class hurt more than any of the special treatment, much of which I was mocked for.

It’s the divide and conquer mentality. Make someone feel like an outsider, lesser than, a freak. Whitey, Polar Bear, cracker, floating cloths. All those words combined didn’t do as much damage as picking up their treys and moving to a further seat. I feel bad for that girl, but I guess the last thing she needed was more pity. She got her Pokémon cards stolen, and her parents very mad. They didn’t know they had to beat her with branches and juvenile feet for them.

All my friends would either move, or buy into the social rank system. I made my first friend in 6th grade. She started the abusive cycle by slapping me over 5 dollars. I would later speak out about her random violent outbursts, but she was just as good as I at being a victim.

I spent my middle school years trying to find myself. My place, not so much a category than the person I am. So that I could be in the place I want, with the people I like. I tested dangerous waters, but none really stuck. By the summer of my 8th grade year, I felt fucked, for what seemed like, no reason. I had been dealing with an underlying depression for years, but now I felt like I was drowning. A chaser to teachers who had never dealt with the burden of a visually impaired student of my degree, and my abusive chemical friendship, I also experienced a rollercoaster home life with a troubled father in the center of it. But he had left, and for the first time there seemed to be peace at home. I was leaving to an academy school to study to be a vet. Away from that bitch and to more mature, hopefully understanding peers. Hey, maybe I could find someone to build a healthy relationship with. I took tests from independent groups who evaluated my vision, and gave me the go ahead to move on with my career plans. Then why now were my four walls closing in on me? The last few months played out in bad quality, blurred from self prescribed pills, but still no sleep, CSI walls, and bad attendance.

July… August… September… She said “it’s not just a little disability… it’s a big one” I have amazing foresight. She apologized, shook my hand, and just like that I was useless again. Nothing going for me, and stuck in a school that reminded me daily of my short comings. It all hit me hard, and all at once. Incapable, that’s what I was suffering with. Incapable of reading without assistance, ordering from the behind the counter menu, of driving, of being the person I wanted to be so badly. This lone factor in my life felt like the biggest peg in my coffin. I have never been the type to contemplate suicide, but at that point I had no identity other than the tag society stapled on my ear, and I held tight to it.

Over the years I had developed an anxiety disorder that manifested itself as a feeling of not-all-there. When this happened, I drifted away and put on my headphones. Nothing made me feel more alive than music. Those where the true moments of clarity. Some people look for religion. I look for artists. Some look to the Bible, I look for lyrics. The venue is my church, and my musical idles are my preachers. I learned about none violence and freedom. Most of all, I found myself. Somewhere amongst a crowd of thousands. I clawed my way out and learned to live. I began to play music, my main outlet when I can’t breathe through my words. I am capable. Capable of creating and learning. Capable of moving and inspiring, having instant reaction. Even making friends through what I do that understand, and even forget, just like my family does.

Maybe, and this is just a thought, but perhaps I was always capable. I just never allowed myself to take the chances. Maybe the most detrimental to my own stability is not what others believe I am but my own habit of considering their opinion. Maybe if you measure the usefulness of your own existence but what you can’t do, then you’ll never be happy. I’m not as fucked as I think I am.

Albinism is a genetic disorder that affects the melanin pigment levels in the skin, hair, and eyes, and in rare cases, just the eyes. It’s a recessive gene; someone who the gene is active in cannot have offspring with the active gene. Meaning albinos don’t have albino babies. A common misunderstanding is that people and animals that are albinoistic have red eyes, but really what you are seeing is the true portal to their inner colors. From a lack of pigmentation, the blood vessels are visible through the eyes. That lack of protective melanin also make us sensitive to sunlight, and albinos generally deal with vision problems. Another comment misconception is that albinos go blind after a certa8in age, also not true. The way that I see (and other albinos would agree) is NOT blurry. If you where looking at the finer details of a painting, you would probably squint, and turn the painting closer. That is the way I see. Like everything is a fine detail, too far to see.

In the media, people with albinism are usually the butt of the joke, or the ‘bad guy’. For example, “Me, Myself, and Irene”. The albino characters name is “Whitey” and “Casper”, which is offensive right off the bat. The movie mocks the character, and how he uses a bioptic (a telescopic lens mounted on glasses) a device that I even used for a period of time.

There is a deeper underlying problem, deeper than slap-stick comedy. It’s how we treat others. It took me a while to realize that all those attacks weren’t personal, or about who I am as a person, but rather the mentality our culture has adopted. Making someone an outsider, in order to boost their own ego, or their own standing in the social machine.

I don’t expect to have all the answers at 16, but I think I am successful at learning how to function almost at the level I will need to be able to move out of my mother’s house, which is more than most can say. But more so, I am successful at finding ways that will keep me afloat.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Taylor Swift, after winning Best Female Videom was so surprised, and bashful, repeating for the 2nd time that night that she sings country music. You could have swore she half-expected someone to run on stage and steal her award... huh.
For those who live under a rock (and I guess, only emerge to read blogs) this is what happened
More funny than the moment itself, was probably Kanye's post VMA blog entry about the incident in ALL CAPS. Someone was anebriated... or caps crazy.


He felt so bad, I guesss this means the award showed didn't loose credibility over it. Listen, at this point we know how he gets. We can't get angry, because in the end, you KNOW you bought Love Lockdown. Besides, the merch that is going to come from this is going to put Poo-Girl to shame.
At the end of the night, if anyone noticed but me, influenced by Kanye, Lil Mama came on stage next to Jay Z and Alicia Keys. I thought there was going to be a purpose to her, but then she just stood there... I think MTV should incorperate invisable fences around their stage.
But I don't care that Taylor was to frazzled to have her moment, she didn't even know the names to the horses who carried her skinny as to the red carpet. So she named them "V" and "MA". Needless to say I'm not amused. The true hero of the night was Beryonce for being such a fucking lady. When she first showed up I litterally wowed at her beauty.

All and all, the MTV Video Music Awards was a fun night. Madonna killed that speech after the MJ tribute, which happened to kick as, and not because of Janet, but by the add of Janet. A collection of great performances like Empire State Of Mind, and East Jesus Nowhere, the night was ellectric (but no West Side Story). The best perfrormance of this years VMA's was Sober by Pink, THERE! I said it. Luckily for me, she didn't wear any corset. Instead, she wore the same dress Shakira wore (wait, that's not any better), sadly, she didn't fill it out the same way. She did, however, fill out a body suite because the bitch decided to do an acrobat's ACT! wow. How did she keep singing? Our little pop princes of the night. Sorry Gaga
In all seriuosness though, Lady Gaga put on a good show, but its going to take me a while to forgive her for coming on stage to win Best New Artist in a giant, used tampon. She changed (thank GOODNESS!) into a rat's nest. Pete introduced her for her perormance, and was wearing a shirt with Gabe Saporta's phone number on it.

question for the commenter: Agree, Pink took the night, performance wise? Love Kanye as much as me?

With a potty mouth, from the smallish wave
lilwave //(^.\\\

Sunday, September 13, 2009

The VMA's (seems to always be on a school night, notice that?) Whitney Houston (pay your dues, youngsters!) and Idol Gets The Best Person For The Job

Tonight, we will all join in front of our TV screens to forget for X amount of hours, about a war, a rescission, and over-mounding homework to watch one of the most exciting nights of the year.
Preshow at 8:00pm, actually show starts off immediately afterward at 9:00pm, TODAY, Sunday 13th
Performances by Beyonce, Jay Z (owww! the power couple are going to kill it, but I wish Jay Z could bring Rihanna out to perform Run This Town with him... maybe if we prey... and go to church... and stop sinning) Lady GaGa, Pink (two years in a row, Pinky! WOOO! hopefully she does NOT perform Sober -_- that's enough of seeing her in a unappealing corset) Muse (AHHH!) Wale (who?) Green Day (*faints*) and much more. Like Taylor Swift, who is softening me up (my friend is going to be very excited to hear that). Fun people are going to present like Pete Wentz and Ne-Yo. Oh, and Shakira at midnight is going to transform to... well I don't really know anymore.

Just for fun, and to give sound to this blog entry, one of my favorite VMA performances.

I wonder if they are going to continue the West Side Story theme beyond the dazzling promos. Anyone else pumped to see Janet bomb this Micheal Jackson Tribute? She better blow shit up if they could make such a nice promo to it... and because its Micheal Jackson, and he died, and its still really sad... and not appropriate to joke about just yet. When it is I want to be the first to get that memo. Not to make fun of him, but to make fun of everyone else.

Tell me the winners list leak is a joke?! it must be a joke, come on people! IT JUST HAS TO BE! "Voting is closed for all categories except Best New Artist, which you can keep voting for even after the ceremony starts." That's what it says on

Whitney Houtson... she looks so purdy. Well then, don't we feel bad about the crack jokes?

Yea, swing the wings of that dress, girl! She's husky, handsome, and at 3 mins she does the pee-pee dance. Made you look back! haha, perfection.

The person replacing Paula Abdul on the American Idol judges’ panel will be none other than talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. yay
I'm not the biggest Idol fan, its one of those if its on, alright, if its not, I don't care to look shows for me. Now that Ellen is in the seat next to New Girl, Randy, and Tell-It-How-It-Be Simon I will deliberately watch the new season premiere in winter. She's going to bring humor, I predict... and maybe some of that same pep Paula brought. The one looming question in my head is whats ganna happen to Paula? probably go under the radar in just live life.
Ellen announcing the news on her Talk Show, Ellen.

Question for the commenters: what is your favorite VMA performance? Feel bad about the Whitney jokes you've made yet? Whats Ellen ganna bring to the Idol chair? You can Tweet me the answers

With popcorn ready, and a sculple to get the shells out my teeth, from the smallish wave
lilwave //(^.\\\

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Twitter Monster, Mitchel Musso Sings!?!? NeverShoutNever, Potential Future Interviews and Back To School

I didn't see it coming. Like the most agile of popular internet infections, it took over slow. Now I'm watching Its On With Alexa Chung on MTV and twittering... just like they want me to, and loving every minute of it. If you have dismissed twitter, chopping it up as a waste of your time, good chances are your right (where in life am I going to need to know what Pete Wentz is doing 24/7? never, but its entertaining when he tweets about the hilarious video for Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet) But what on the internet is not a waste of your time? twitter is just lazy blogging. Support my sloth ways and follow me, I promise to keep it interesting with bold claims, and topic...

anyone else enjoying "Poo Girl" as much as me? Gotta love it when people's embarrassment, and humiliation becomes news worthy. I know what I'm getting for Christmas!

I'm a sucker for the lookers
Does anyone else find Mitchel Musso incredibly adorable? did anyone else have no idea he sings!?!? Downloading as I type. I've been listening to this pop act called NeverShoutNever. Its pretty much a vegan dude named Chris who can appreciate a squishy song. I got into his music while awake at 7:00am watching MTVU's Sunblock Performances. He performed so charmingly that I ran downstairs immediately and downloaded his EP, Me & My Uke. This is him performing "Happy" his latest single on the MTVU Sunblock tour.

I think I'm going to attempt to get an interview with him, before he gets so huge it becomes impossible. Speaking of interviews I've been trying to set up an interview with Fall Out Boy. Why? because I think a quality interview conducted by the fans is well over do. Anyone agree? if you do, you should tell me what to ask. I'm attending their supporting show in West Palm Beach, emailed their sit-in publicist, and no reply. [Insert tired groan hear]

School started... alright school! wooo!... no. Its cutting into my reading time to do all this God flippin' home work. My History teacher said he wants to get us to present times.... how cute. My Science teacher reminds me a George Lopez (talk about a distraction) and my Acting teacher came up on stage with me while play Freeze and Justify and we acted out a scene where I am giving him a prostate exam. Lucky!

Everyone enjoy the week to come. Labor day, Monday, all I'm going to be doing is labor. Trying to get ahead in school, keep honing the musical craft, and keep up internet life. *sigh* life's good.

question for commenters: What do you think of Twitter? fun, annoying, the scum of the Earth? What about NeverShoutNever? Do you want his hair, even though your a chick? Ever knew Mitchel sang? do you think he's worth a listen?

P.S Mitchel Musso not that great. Definitely not pumped for a second listen. Why? Why the pretty one? why not the obnoxious star of the show that wore a dress my movie would consider to the MTV Movie Awards and screamed "I'm on a boat!"? *sigh*

with stalker qualities from the smallish wave
lilwave //(^.\\\

"A Change In Science" An Essay On Dissection By The Smallish Wave (print and send to your teacher / principal!)

Dissection in Our Classrooms

A San Francisco Science fair recently awarded a junior high student whose science project consisted of cutting the head off a live frog with a pair of scissors to see whether or not a frog swims better with or without their head. What did this young science explorer learn? Other than “Frogs will not swim with brains missing unless harassed. Frogs swim better with their heads in tact”. I think he learned that it is O.K to treat another living creature as if it didn’t have feelings, he learned to disrespect life. I think he learned to desensitize himself from that frogs spilt skin, the blood on his hands, and the site of a mangles spinal cord. I wouldn’t call that better than a classic photosynthesis project. Obviously, the judges disagree with me, for they awarded the boy for his contribution to the onward march of science, and predicted great things for his future.
This isn’t the first time a student would be encouraged to do such a thing “for science”. Millions of animals are dissected every year in today’s classrooms.
What’s sad about this story and not spoken about enough is the long term effect. If allowed to harm animals, children are more likely to be violent later in life. It seems harmless, but take a deeper look. Educational curricula should foster environmental stewardship and compassion for life; dissection encourages neither; animal life is devalued and treated as expendable. Like an object. This is the door to cruelty; we see it with racism, homophobia, and sexism. People justify violence in their heads against a certain group by first viewing the person as lesser than. And it doesn’t stop here. Today it’s just their biology class, tomorrow it’s their wife. Not to say that dissection makes wife beaters, but there is no doubt that there are mixed messages regarding how people treat any living thing in school, and in the media. Animal cruelty, like any other violence or brutality, should never be attributed to a stage of development.
This seems like backtracking to me, taking two steps forward and one step back. When we were in elementary school the goal was to help children develop the empathy for other creatures that prevents animal cruelty and promotes responsible care of pets, which in turn will get them to take care of themselves and others better. Good chances are you have heard of the humane reading volunteers from the organization United Animal Nations who teach students to view animals as a part of the family and teaches basic pet communication. This is only one of the many programs, and campaigns designed by caring organizations and non-profits who try to develop compassion in the next generation. My goal is to not let their efforts be made in vain, or even tampered with deliberately.
But dissection is a big business. Millions of animals are killed every year for educational purposes, many of which are collected from their natural habitat, effecting the delicate balance of ecology, and biodiversity. It’s an ugly truth, and not a pretty picture. Rats made squirming movements while being embalmed. Cats prodded roughly into crowded gas chambers, having their throats slit, or being drowned in Mexico. Live frogs piled into cloth bags for days or weeks. The few who are raised in captivity aren’t any luckier; they spend their short lives in a plastic container, no other purpose but to die for a student who won’t ever appreciate them for the free lives they led.
With alternatives ranging from 3-D computer models, plasticized specimens, and clay models, dissection seems archaic, and outdated. Since science teachers have found success with computerized three-dimensional virtual dissections why end a life? like having a dog cry in discomfort as he has cosmetics tested on him to end up euthanized, I have to ask, is it really worth it? and is this really appropriate for High School Students?
An example of the objectification of animals was displayed in the form of a dead frog, thrown from the second floor, to the front doors of Sunset last year. When the teacher delivered to the class this news, I frowned and said “See?” He explained to me that dissection is something the students look forward too; it’s something exciting for them. My stomach turned. For those who think this way, I offer my life philosophy. Live your life to the fullest, but never at the expense of others. Lead as harmless an existence as possible.
What was surprising about my biology class last year was that I was not given an alternative to dissection. My teacher allowed me to sit in another class, and wait it out.
The purpose of me spending a night or three of my summer writing this letter was to solemnly ask that dissection change in Sunset. Ideally, I’d like that section of our lesson completely abolished. Maybe replaced with a comprehensive, modern sex ed section, extending the otherwise week we spend watching a bunch of crappy videos for elementary kids. Since the need to raise Neanderthals is pretty much over; I think it would be cool to raise kids who use condoms this decade. With budget cuts, it’s essential that we get our priorities straight. If not, than at least granted to the advanced science students only. The kids who actually have more of a chance, and an interest in pursuing a career in science. Also, enforce that alternatives be offered to those who are uncomfortable with dissection.
I think I care enough about our school, tomorrow’s adults, and the future of animal welfare to write this. Let’s see if you care enough to listen. I assume that we share a common goal to foster a respect and love for animals in Sunset, I’m confident that you will seriously consider my request. Thank you for your time.

P.S. "I hold that the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man."
-Mahatma Gandhi

With hopes for a compassionate future from the smallish wave,
Paola M Paniagua